Our primary goal with donations is to Change Girls Lives through the sponsoring of organizations and other beneficiaries so they can be gifted a license, one year at a time, to have full rights to teach the GIP Essentials Curriculum to all their girls.
Your $50 per month donation sponsors a one year GIP Essentials Program License for one organization or beneficiary (women and children shelters, foster home, homeless programs etc) and changes many girls lives. Your $500 One Time Donation does the exact same thing ($100 discount). Your $1000 One Time Donation sponsors 2 schools or organizations licenses for one year.
On an individual level, your $20 per month donation sponsors one Mother & Daughter to receive at no charge the Mother Daughter Program Home Study Edition. Your $200 One Time Donation does the exact same thing ($40 discount). This program changes the lives of Mothers, Daughters, and their relationship forever.
If you select a $20 or $50 monthly payment please check the box for the donation to automatically repeat each month. The Girls Thank You So Much For Your Support!